
Showing posts from December, 2020

20 Important Bug-Out Bag Items You Forgot Existed

Table of Content Enter your e-mail below to get your FREE PDF and start stockpiling Flossing Is a Breeze With quip’s New Rechargeable Cordless Water Flosser Kurgo Baxter Dog Pack Hour Emergency Kit Checklist - Bug Out Bag - Emergency Preparedness - Natural Disaster Survival Kit Farm Blue Tactical Backpack – with Army Parachute Deploy Clip - Military Survival Molle Bug Out Bag - OD Green Black #11. Snap Lights In addition to the food and water provided, this pack contains a fully-stocked 81-piece first aid kit. It’s not the most comprehensive first aid kit we’ve seen but it should allow you to treat wounds and cuts until emergency services arrive. On top of that, it has some of the essential survival tools you’ll need including a tactical knife, firestarters, paracord, whistle, snap lights, a flashlight, and four emergency blankets. When it comes to keeping your family safe in an emergency, this is one of the best bug out bags we’ve seen. In terms of sustenance, the kit can feed two p